As part of our education programme, we invited children and young people from Ballycastle and the surrounding areas to curate two exhibitions from The Ballinglen Permanent Collection, guided by our Learning Curator. Upstairs of the museum has been curated by fourth, fifth, and sixth classes, and is entitled: "Seasons, Sea, Sheep, and Cat, all the Directions and the King".
The group began the process by thinking about what is important to them in their day to day lives. They then looked through The Ballinglen Permanent Collection digitally to see which images appealed to them and fit their themes. They picked one piece of artwork each and a group work. They learnt what it means to lay out an exhibition, and each wrote a response to the work they had chosen. We also have included a 'Response Wall' in the exhibit, so that visiting young people can create and add their own artwork inspired by the exhibition.
"Seasons, Sea, Sheep, and Cat, all the Directions and the King" reflects and expresses the children’s’ relationship with the Collection, the artists and the subject matter. We are very pleased with the level of engagement, and thoughtful response to the work in our Collection.
Related artists
Rachel Brown
Kathleen Buchanan
Squeak Carnwath
Roger Chavez
Nuala Clarke
Gwen Davidson
Rose de Groot
Diarmuid Delargy
Rebecca Doughty
Yizhak Elyashiv
Randall Exon
Conor Fallon
Rick Fox
David Gibson
Jane Goldman
Richard Gorman
Angela Hackett
Susan Hagen
Patrick (Pat) Harris
Nona Hershey
Carol Hodder
Michael McCaffrey*
Maeve McCarthy*
Cora O'Brien
Thomas Sarrentonio*
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