An exhibition of work by Ballinglen fellow Norman Ackroyd CBE RA. Painting with Acid The Ballinglen Museum of Art, 1st July - 30th September. Works from Ireland made over the five decades of Ackroyd’s relationship with the west coast of Ireland. A celebration of major work, this exhibition aims to clarify the intricate process of creating prints from the thinking process which begins with looking and is followed by the transmission of this mind/action to the sketchbooks. The exhibition will feature the great prints combined with Irish sets accompanied by maps and poetry as appropriate, related watercolours, sketchbook drawings, proofs and plates as appropriate. It will be hung to create a rhythm on the wall of large individual works including diptych(s), small watercolours, and demo plates and instruments.
Norman Ackroyd, Painting with Acid: exhibition and launch of the publication ‘An Irish Notebook’
Past exhibition
1 June - 2 October 2022
Special Exhibitions