This exhibition includes thirty artworks from the Permanent Collection celebrating the landscape around Ballycastle with the work made by artists visiting The Ballinglen Arts Foundation on residency for the last twent-eight years. Each work poignantly reflects presence and time, cyclical returns, old places, light and its absence and of course the sky.
Work by: Eric Aho; Mary Armstrong; Alex Boyd; Julie Bradley; Rachel Brown; Linda Carey; Roger Chavez; Nuala Clarke; Gail Shaw Clemons; Gwen Davidson; Randall L Exon; Charles Field; Ruth Fine; Bill Freeland; David Gibson; Dan L Gualdoni; Patrick (Pat) Harris; Christobel Kelly; Edward 'eddie' Kennedy; David Lilburn; Ed Miliano; Mick O'Dea; Barbara Rae; Jeffrey Reed; Ryan Reynolds; Charles Ritchie; Thomas Roese; Ronald Rumford; Stuart Shils; John Smalley; Ken Smith; Christie Taylor; Keith Wilson
Related artists
Eric Aho
Mary Armstrong
Alex Boyd
Julie Bradley
Rachel Brown
Linda Carey
Roger Chavez
Nuala Clarke
Gail Shaw Clemons
Gwen Davidson
Randall Exon
Charles Field
Ruth Fine
Bill Freeland
David Gibson
Dan Gualdoni
Patrick (Pat) Harris
Christobel Kelly
Eddie Kennedy
David Lilburn
Ed Miliano
Mick O'Dea
Barbara Rae
Jeffrey Reed
Ryan Reynolds
Charles Ritchie
Thomas Roese
Ron Rumford
Stuart Shils
John Smalley
Ken Smith
Christie Taylor
Keith Wilson
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