Randall Exon
This painting is set behind the Ballinglen Arts Foundation with a view looking down to the Bay. Although there has never been, or will be I imagine, a trampoline at the center I conjured up this figure composition based on the many trampolines dotting the landscape of Northwest Mayo, sometimes in the most remote locations imaginable to a visitor. The sense of freedom and the sensation of weightlessness intrigued me. I then had to fix the central figure at the moment just before descent. A visitor to my studio at the time mentioned the "Ascension of Mary". I felt stupid at the time because it somehow had not crossed my mind that, of course, the image could be interpreted in this way. I decided that was fine. When people see images of people in paintings it makes them reflect on their own experiences. I want my paintings to have that effect on others. I did not intend for the painting to be seen through a religious lens, but that is always up to the viewer. My only intent was for the painting to elicit a response. Hopefully it will be a strong and meaningful experience for the viewer. - Randall Exon